COE Open Bidding 2012 Sept

COE Open Bidding

SEPTEMBER 2012 1st Open Bidding Exercise has ended on 05/09/2012 16:00 hrs

Results for SEPTEMBER 2012 1st Open Bidding Exercise

Category Quota QP($) PQP($)

A CAR (1600CC & BELOW) 399 68,000

B CAR (ABOVE 1600CC) 355 80,191

C GOODS VEHICLE & BUS 183 57,334

D MOTORCYCLE 450 1,801

E OPEN 245 87,999

QP: Quota Premium

PQP: Prevailing Quota Premium

Category Received Successful Unsuccessful Unused

A CAR (1600CC & BELOW) 518 391 127 8

B CAR (ABOVE 1600CC) 466 355 111 0

C GOODS VEHICLE & BUS 269 177 92 6

D MOTORCYCLE 575 450 125 0

E OPEN 349 245 104 0

New Carbon Emissions-Based Vehicle Scheme (CEVS) from 1 January 2013

New Carbon Emissions-Based Vehicle Scheme (CEVS) from 1 January 2013

New scheme incentivises buyers to shift to low emission models

1. As announced by the Minister for Finance during the 2012 Budget Statement and the Minister for Transport during the Committee of Supply 2012, a new Carbon Emissions-Based Vehicle Scheme (CEVS) will be implemented in 2013. The CEVS will apply to all new cars, taxis and newly imported used cars registered with effect from 1 January 2013.

2. The CEVS adopts a broader outcome-based approach that takes into consideration vehicles' carbon emissions and fuel efficiency to encourage consumers to shift to low emission models. This new scheme will replace the existing Green Vehicle Rebate (GVR)1 scheme for cars and taxis based on specific engine types when the GVR scheme expires on 31 December 2012.

3. Under CEVS, all new car and imported used cars registered from 1 January 2013 with low carbon emissions of less than or equal to 160g carbon emissions per kilometre (CO2/km2 ), will qualify for significant rebates of between $5,000 and $20,0003 which will be given as an offset against the vehicle's Additional Registration Fee (ARF) payable. Cars with high carbon emissions equal to or more than 211g CO2/km, will incur a corresponding registration surcharge between $5,000 and $20,000.

4. Taxis generally clock higher mileage than cars. To encourage taxi companies to adopt lower emission models for their fleet, the CEVS rebate and registration surcharge for taxis is set at 50% higher compared to cars, between $7,500 and $30,000.

5. The CEVS rebates will be implemented from 1 January 2013. The surcharges will only take effect 6 months later, from 1 July 2013 to give consumers and the motor industry more time to adjust.

6. Details of CEVS bandings are as follows:



Carbon emission (CO2 g/km)

(FROM 1 JAN 2013)

(FROM 1 JULY 2013)






0 to 100






101 to 120






121 to 140






141 to 160






161 to 210






211 to 230






231 to 250






251 to 270






271 & above





7. As non Euro V-compliant diesel models emit significantly more fine particulate matter, they will not enjoy the ARF rebates under CEVS even if they fall within the rebate emission bands. However if these models fall within the surcharge bands, the appropriate CEVS surcharge will still apply.

8. The CEVS will be applicable till 31 December 2014. The scheme will be reviewed, taking into consideration its impact on motorists' purchasing decision, technological advances and the progress in Singapore's overall mitigation efforts on climate change.

9. The current GVR scheme for commercial vehicles, buses and motorcycles will be extended for another 2 years to 31 December 2014 as LTA reviews how to better encourage the shift to low carbon emission models in these vehicle categories.

Enhancements to the Fuel Economy Labelling Scheme (FELS)

10. To assist car buyers make informed decisions, the CO2/km performance data for each car model will be provided on mandatory information labels at car showrooms. LTA will also set up a new FELS online database and online fuel cost calculator so that buyers can easily access and compare the carbon emissions and fuel efficiency performance data across car models. These changes will be made progressively after LTA takes over the administration of the Fuel Economy Labelling Scheme (FELS) from NEA around mid 2012. More details on FELS will be made available then.

Annex A: Details on CEVS
Annex B: Examples of Existing Car Models in CEVS bands
Annex C: Common Questions on CEVS
Annex D: New fuel economy label

1The Green Vehicle Rebate (GVR) scheme was introduced in 2001 to encourage the take up of green vehicles. Electric, petrol-electric hybrid, compressed natural gas (CNG) and bi-fuel (CNG/petrol) vehicles are given a rebate of up to 40% of the vehicle's Open Market Value (OMV) which is offset against the vehicle's Additional Registration Fee (ARF).

2Carbon emissions refer to the release of carbon dioxide from the use of a vehicle, and provide a good indicator of the amount of fuel the vehicle uses. The g CO2 /km is a measure that quantifies the weight of carbon dioxide (CO2) released for every kilometre that the vehicle is driven i.e. the vehicle's fuel efficiency. The more CO2 released over the same distance means more fuel is being used.

3CEVS rebate is subject to a minimum ARF payable of $5,000, as cars that have relatively low ARF payable and are already fuel-efficient do not need to be further incentivised.

Results of March 2012 First Open Bidding Exercise for

Results of March 2012 First Open Bidding Exercise for
Certificates Of Entitlement

The Land Transport Authority (LTA) received 2,751 bids at the end of the March first open bidding exercise for Certificates of Entitlement (COEs). Of these, 1,876 were successful. Detailed results of the tender are as follows:



Quota Premium

Total Bids Received

Number of Successful Bids

Unused Quota carried forward


Category A (Cars 1,600cc and below, and taxis)






Category B (Cars 1,601cc and above)






Category D (Motorcycles)







Category C (Goods vehicles and buses)






Category E (Open)






COE results for previous bidding exercises can be found on the "Facts and Figures" section of the One.Motoring website (

The Prevailing Quota Premiums (PQP) for existing vehicles fall under Categories A to D will be available after the March second open bidding exercise.

Bidders can use the Temporary Certificates of Entitlement (TCOEs) obtained from this tender exercise upon receipt of the TCOE notification letters. The non-transferable TCOEs will be valid till 14 September 2012. The transferable TCOEs will be valid till 14 June 2012. TCOEs issued to companies are not transferable.

Successful applicants will be notified within the week. The COE bid deposits of unsuccessful applicants will be credited into their bank accounts by their respective banks. Bidders can check the status of their bid applications through the following channels:

Bidders can check the status of their bid applications via the LTA Open Bidding website and the LTA Open Bidding Phone System, which is available until 6.00 pm on Friday, 9 March 2012.

If a vehicle is de-registered before its COE expires, the vehicle's registered owner may be granted a rebate on the Quota Premium (QP) paid, pro-rated to the number of months and days remaining on the vehicle's COE. For vehicles registered using Category E (Open) COEs, the rebate will be based on the QP of Category E, or its corresponding category from the same tender exercise, whichever is lower.