COE (Aug 2011 - Jan 2012)

The Certificates of Entitlement (COEs) quota for the period August 2011 to January 2012 will be 22,324. Quotas for Category A, for cars below 1600cc, have been increased slightly, but quotas for Category B, for cars above 1600cc have been reduced. Overall, quotas in Category A, B and the Open Category E will see a 2.5 per cent reduction. Bidding under this quota will start with the August 2011 First Open Bidding Exercise.

The COE quota consists of the following components: 1) Provision for 1.5% vehicle growth based on the vehicle population as at 31 December 2010, 2) Replacement COEs for vehicles de-registered between January and June 2011 and 3) Adjustment for over-projections of vehicle de-registrations in 2008/2009.

The next COE quota announcement, for the COE bidding period from February 2012 to July 2012 will be made in January 2012. The 1.5% vehicle growth rate, which is valid for 3 years from 2009-2011, is currently under review. The LTA will announce the growth rate from 2012 once the review has been completed.

Adapted from sgCarMart.